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Just as the world failed to recognize the true Light when Christ entered it, so too do those who are of God's heavenly kingdom find themselves fundamentally out of step with the world. They not only experience a dissonance with the temporal values and fleeting pleasures of this life but also possess a profound awareness of the finite and transient nature of worldly joys. Because of this, they navigate the world as pilgrims and exiles, always looking forward to the eternal city that God has prepared for them.

The Israelites, despite witnessing extraordinary manifestations of divine power—such as the ten plagues, the miraculous parting of the Red Sea, the pillars of cloud and fire guiding them through the wilderness, and the supernatural provision of manna, quail, and water from the rock—still fell into grumbling, idolatry, and rebellion against God. Their hearts, hardened by sin, led them to construct and worship false gods, despite the overwhelming evidence of God’s presence and provision.

In a similar vein, though Jesus performed countless healings and delivered many from demonic oppression, when He was crucified, the crowds turned their backs on Him. Even His disciples, who had heard His teachings firsthand and seen His miracles, fled and abandoned Him during His moment of greatest suffering on the cross.

This reality reveals the depth of humanity’s total depravity and spiritual blindness. Without being enveloped by the unmerited grace and unconditional love of God, it is impossible for anyone to recognize and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. It is only through God's sovereign election and the gift of faith—imparted by grace alone—that the human heart is regenerated by the power of the Holy Spirit. When this divine work occurs, individuals are humbled, becoming acutely aware of their own unworthiness and the depth of their sinfulness. They perceive the "log in their own eye," recognize their complete inability to save themselves, and repent, wholly casting themselves upon the mercy of Christ. Only by this grace can they cling to God’s Word, recognizing Him as their sole source of hope and salvation. 

This theological understanding emphasizes that salvation is not a result of human effort or merit but is entirely a work of God's grace. Faith is a gift, and spiritual regeneration is a supernatural act of the Holy Spirit, leading to repentance, humility, and a life centered on dependence upon Christ alone.



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