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The Grace

The presence of sin in a believer’s life is often due to allowing the devil a foothold. As human beings burdened with original sin, we naturally tend to follow the desires of the flesh, often conforming to worldly thoughts and behaviors. Yet, within every believer, there is an inner self that longs to seek and obey God’s will. This inner struggle causes us to rely fully on God, constantly seeking His guidance. Following the Word of God consistently requires resisting the inclinations of the flesh, and this cannot be accomplished without a deep, Christ-centered self-denial.

Acts such as theft, impure speech, bitterness, anger, wrath, slander, and malice emerge from the human heart, giving the devil a place to work. These behaviors not only hinder our spiritual growth but also grieve the Holy Spirit. As those who have been sealed for the day of redemption, believers are called to reflect on the grace of Christ’s forgiveness and to extend that same grace to others by showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness. However, living out this calling cannot be done through our strength alone; we must continually depend on God. Repentance, faith, and salvation are all gifts from God (Ac11:18; Eph2:8-9), and it is only through His Spirit that we are empowered to walk the path of discipleship and holiness.

As a community of believers, we must support one another in this journey, reminding each other of the grace we have received and the mercy we are called to show. While the Christian life is one of constant spiritual warfare, we rest in the assurance that it is not by our own power, but by the work of the Holy Spirit, that we are sustained and led on this pilgrimage of faith.



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